Categories: Islamic Education

Story Of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) | Best 2022



How Everything Started

Qurbani, otherwise called Udhiya, is the sacrifice of animal – ordinarily goat, sheep, and dairy cattle – made by Muslims during Eid ul-Adha. This training originates from Prophet Ibrahim’s (AS) dedication and accommodation to Allah (SWT) and the sacrifice they were ready to make.

Over the long run, The Story of Ibrahim (AS), both the story and the training have proceeded, and many Muslims consistently ponder what genuine dedication and sacrifice are.

The tale of Qurbani is the account of how Prophet Ibrahim (AS) displayed an unwavering commitment to Allah (SWT) by being ready to sacrifice his only child Ismail (as), who he cherished sincerely. Ibrahim’s (AS) sacrifice was compensated.

From that point forward, Muslims have copied the sacrifice by leading their own Qurbani and dispersing the sacrifice meat among poor and weak networks all over the planet.


The Prophet Ibrahim (AS) had a progression of dreams that told him to sacrifice his cherished child, Ismail (AS). He was profoundly upset by them and trusted his child, Ismail (AS). Prophet Ismail (AS) ameliorated his father and urged him to follow the orders of Allah (SWT).

On the mount Arafat, when Prophet Ibrahim (as) decided to sacrifice his son, he blindfolded his eyes and eased his pain. When Prophet Ibrahim (as) removed his blindfold, he saw Ismail (AS) was safe and stayed safe beside him, Allah (SWT) safe Ismail (AS), and a slam lay in the spot of his child.

Similarly, as the Prophet Ibrahim (AS) was rewarded for his commitment, Allah (SWT) will liberally remunerate any Muslim who finishes their Qurbani commitments with full hearts and sincere goals.

We recall that sacrifice, consistently, during the long stretch of Dhul Hijjah, the last of the heavenly schedule, when Muslims from around the world perform Qurbani – sacrificing animals, as Ibrahim (as) did – ideally a goat, sheep, cow, or camel.

Subsequently, we reverberate Ibrahim’s (as) deed in the past to exhibit our dedication, dutifulness, and accommodation to Allah (SWT).



Notwithstanding the knowing how much it would have harmed and hurt him, Ibrahim (as) followed Allah’s (SWT) order and was able to sacrifice his adored child, Ismail (AS), out of commission.

Allah’s (SWT) help from above saved Ismail’s life, and in doing so, he uncovered what he needed from this demonstration of commitment and a sacrifice of standard connections.

Allah (SWT) never wants that Ibrahim (AS) sacrifice his son Ismail (AS). Allah just tested Ibrahim (AS). Allah was just clear that nothing is more important than Allah.

The narrative of Qurbani reminds us generally that Allah (SWT) realizes what is in our souls and that decency and dedication to Him will constantly be compensated.


Udhiya should occur across the three days of Eid ul-Adha anyway individuals are urged to commit to their responsibility and give their Qurbani gifts at the earliest opportunity. The time for the sacrifice is between post-Eid supplication and the thirteenth of Dhul Hijjah.

Our Prophet (saw) used to hurry to offer sacrifice after Eid prayer, and the primary thing he would eat would be the meat from his sacrifice.

From the meat that is obtained from Qurbani, at least 1/3 should go to individuals who are poor or in desperate circumstances. A few researchers express that giving Udhiya is required for any individual who claims abundance over the nisab.

One little animal, for example, a sheep or goat, is equivalent to one Qurbani, and an enormous creature, like steers or a camel, is equivalent to seven Qurbani.

As we move into Dhul Hijjah, we ought to keep the Qurbani story to our hearts and consider what we will sacrifice and how our little forfeits can enormously affect those most deprived all over the planet.


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