Categories: Islamic Education

Ramadan Tips | Best Ramadan 2022

Ramadan Tips


Submitting sins during the day in Ramadan, like swearing or offending others, doesn’t break the quick; however, it brings down the compensation for Fasting Fasting.

Ramadan Tips #1 (Avoid Bad Language)

Here are some useful Ramadan Tips.

Ramadan Tips

Does swearing break your Fast?

Submitting sins during the day in Ramadan, like swearing or offending others, doesn’t negate the quickness in that capacity, yet it brings down the award for Fasting Fasting.

These transgressions might remove the entirety of the prize, and the fasting individual is left with nothing because of his quick separation from craving and thirst.


Ramadan Tips

Reason for fasting in Islam

The fasting individual is charged to monitor every one of his resources against resisting Allah. The reason behind Fasting Fasting isn’t just to avoid eating and drinking.

Instead, the design is to shun defying Allah and to accomplish devotion or apprehension about Allah. (understanding of the importance):

“O you who accept! Seeing As-Sawm (the Fasting Fasting) is endorsed for you as it was recommended for those before you that you might become Al-Muttaqun (the devout.).” [al-Baqarah 2:183]

The Prophet (harmony and gifts of Allah arrive) said: “Whoever doesn’t surrender bogus discourse and following up on it, Allah does not need his surrendering his food and drink.” (Described by al-Bukhari, 1903, 6075)


Ramadan Tips

Step by step instructions to answer affronts while fasting

Bogus discourse incorporates a wide range of haram speech, like lying, slandering, criticizing, annoying and reviling.

What’s more, the Prophet (harmony and endowments of Allah arrive) said: “If any of you is fasting, let him not complete vulgarities or act in an uninformed way, and battling him, let him say, I’m fasting.” (Described by al-Bukhari, 1894; Muslim 1151)

Al-Hafiz said:

“Let him not utter vulgar discourse” signifies let him not say any foul words.

“Give him not act access an uninformed way” signifies let him not do any of the activities done by oblivious individuals like hollering, being silly, and so on.

What is implied by this hadith is that he shouldn’t respond in kind. Instead, he ought to restrict himself to saying, ‘I’m fasting.'”

If the fasting individual is told not to respond to one who affronts him, how might it be fitting for him to abuse individuals or be quick to overlook them?


Ramadan Tips

The restriction against foul discourse: Just in Ramadan?

Al-Nawawi said:

“Note that the preclusion against foul discourse, uninformed activity, contention, and abuses concerning one who is fasting isn’t confined distinctly to him. Every one of these things is illegal as a rule, yet the disallowance is more grounded on account of one who is fasting.”

Al-Hakim portrayed that Abu Hurairah (may Allah be satisfied with him) said: The Courier of Allah (harmony and gifts of Allah arrive) said:

“Fasting Fasting doesn’t simply mean avoiding food and drink, rather fasting implies keeping away from inactive and vulgar discourse. On the off chance that somebody curses you or treats you in an uninformed way, say, ‘I’m fasting, I’m fasting.'”

Ibn Majah (1690) said: Abu Hurairah said: The Courier of Allah (harmony and favors of Allah arrive) said: “It is possible that the fasting individual doesn’t get anything from his quick separated from appetite, and the person who implores qiyam around evening time might get nothing from his qiyam except for a restless evening.”


Ramadan Tips

Also, Allah knows best.

“Hi you, – – – – , how are you?
Assuming you pay attention to the discussion of the average Muslim youth conversing with one another, sadly, this is what you will hear …

swearwords, awful words, and cusses. Foul language is frequently heard as a component of their daily existence at school, colleges, and workplaces.

What’s more awful is that they utilize these words automatically remorselessly and without even profane, dirty, or horrible… .utilizing four-letter words in each sentence and in each discussion to understand these words.


Ramadan Tips


Using the words ‘inferno’ and calling each other ‘canine’ and ‘gay’ like it’s nothing. What’s more, these are a portion of the more ‘fair’ words. There are other, much more awful words that are unmentionable. May Allah safeguard us.

Like their non-Muslim companions, these individuals appear to be desensitized to the utilization of foul and hostile words, including numerous that cause others to wince with disgrace and humiliation.

However, what do they say when you criticize them for utilizing such language? “O please! This is how everybody talks!” or “This is the way I ‘articulate my thoughts. On the other hand, “We don’t mean it in a not-ideal way
. We’re messed around with one another!”


Ramadan Tips


Subhaan Allah! Calling each other awful names and utilizing foul language!
Since when did that turn into a ‘joke’? Since while did cussing become a piece of a Muslim’s jargon?

Also, miserable to say, the adolescent, however, even a portion of the grown-ups are at genuine fault for something similar. What’s more, some might talk adequately under ‘ordinary’ conditions. Yet, when they are incited or get into a battle with somebody, nothing emerges from their mouths except cusses, awful words, and foulness.


Ramadan Tips




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  • wonderful post, very informative. I wonder why the other experts of this sector don't notice this. You must continue your writing. I'm sure, you have a great readers' base already!

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